Member-only story
Forget left and right, Democrat and Republican, empiricist vs. rationalist, Beatles vs. Stones.
We really have two types of people. First, reasonable people who can participate in helping civilization remain stable and make progress. Second, horrible people whom we should just ignore.
Which one are you? Take our quiz …
(1) When it comes to economics, you value:
- A. Making sure everyone has a safety net that covers basic needs such as health care, housing and food.
- B. Anything that won't offend your libertarian uncle or your progressive niece.
- C. Burning down Wall Street and getting the government to fund all of your schooling all the way through to your Ph.D. in Indigenous Cannabis Studies.
- D. Maximizing wealth and convincing workers and farmers it will eventually trickle down to them.
(2) You’ve discovered that a celebrity used “she” in describing someone who prefers “they.” The celebrity was unaware of that person’s pronoun preferences. You:
- A. Let that person politely inform the celebrity of their preferences.
- B. Write a long Twitter thread about how we all need to understand each other while not really adding to the conversation.